Released in January 2023, “I Love Lizzy” is a Filipino romantic drama that has captured the hearts of audiences with its tender love story and exploration of complex themes. The film follows Jeff, a young seminarian on discernment leave, who meets Lizzy, a vibrant tour guide, during his visit to Albay. As their connection deepens, Jeff is torn between his vows and his blossoming feelings for Lizzy.
During the break meant for making his discernment in “I Love Lizzy,” seminarian Jeff falls in love with Bicol tour guide Lizzy. It’s a captivating love tale, particularly as Jeff and Lizzy mend old hurts with one another and Carlo Aquino moves smoothly into his second career as a seminarian. But Jeff’s tale received more thought and consideration than Lizzy’s.
It talks about religion, but it’s more interested in looking into how people can turn to religion when they can’t turn to the ones that should be there for them. It’s a love story about how faith can save people—as religion saved Jeff from a life of crime, as Jeff believes that she is more than her alcoholic identity, and as Lizzy garners the belief in herself to restart her life.
It falters at a few points, as when Jeff tries to explain alcohol abuse, and the concluding soundtrack is unsuitable. Still, overall, it’s a nice change of pace for a conversation on faith based on a true seminarian love story.
A Visually Stunning Journey
“I Love Lizzy” is not just a story of love and faith; it’s also a visual feast. The film captures the breathtaking beauty of Albay, with its rolling hills, verdant landscapes, and majestic Mayon Volcano. The cinematography is intimate and expansive, reflecting the emotional journey of the characters and the vastness of their inner world.