The Artful Dodger is a 2023 Australian television series that is a reimagining of the classic Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist. The series follows the adult life of Jack Dawkins, better known as the Artful Dodger, who has become a skilled surgeon in the rough-and-tumble colony of Port Phillip, Australia. However, Dodger’s past as a pickpocket continues to haunt him, and he soon finds himself drawn back into the world of crime.
A Tale of Two Worlds
The Artful Dodger is a complex and compelling character who is both charming and dangerous. He is a survivor who has learned to adapt to his circumstances, but he also has a solid moral compass that leads him to question his actions. The series explores the dichotomy of Dodger’s nature as he struggles to reconcile his past with his present and his desire for a better future.
A Visually Stunning Series
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Artful Dodger movie scenery
The Artful Dodger is a beautifully shot series that captures the gritty reality of life in 19th-century Australia. Both the production design and the cinematography are exquisite. A formidable supporting cast of Sean Teale as Dodger, Tim Minchin as Fagin, and Lucy Fry as Lady Belle may also be seen in the series.
A Must-Watch for Fans of Dickens
The movie is a must-watch for fans of Charles Dickens and anyone who enjoys a good story about redemption and second chances. The series is full of action, adventure, and suspense, and it will keep you guessing until the very end.
Here are some of the things that make The Artful Dodger a great series:
A complex and compelling protagonist
A visually stunning setting
A strong supporting cast
A suspenseful and twisty plot
A thought-provoking exploration of themes of redemption and second chances
If you’re looking for a new and exciting television series to watch, The Dodger is a great option.