May December, released in May 2023, is a captivating film directed by Todd Haynes and starring Natalie Portman, Julianne Moore, and Charles Melton. The film explores themes of love, age difference, truth, and the complexities of human relationships.

Plot Summary

The story centers on Elizabeth (Portman), a famous actress who travels to Maine to meet Gracie (Moore) and Joe (Melton), a couple whose infamous May-December romance made headlines twenty years ago. Elizabeth is researching the couple for a film in which she will play Gracie.

As Elizabeth spends time with the family, she delves deeper into their lives and uncovers the secrets and tensions that lie beneath the surface. She also begins to develop a complicated relationship with Gracie as they grapple with their pasts and the impact of their choices.

Exploring Complexities of Relationships

May December successfully avoids being a simple romance or a straightforward judgment of the couple’s relationship. Instead, it offers a nuanced and insightful exploration of the complexities of love, desire, and the passage of time. The film delves into the challenges of maintaining a relationship with a significant age difference, particularly in the face of public scrutiny.


The cast in the movie gives outstanding performances. Portman delivers a powerful portrayal of Elizabeth, capturing her intelligence, ambition, and emotional vulnerability. Moore is equally compelling as Gracie, conveying her strength, regret, and resilience. Melton delivers a nuanced performance as Joe, portraying a man grappling with the consequences of his choices and the weight of expectations.

Cinematography and Score

The film’s cinematography is stunning, capturing the picturesque beauty of Maine and creating a visually captivating experience. The score, composed by Marcelo Zarvos, is a haunting and beautiful addition to the film, adding to its emotional impact.


A moving and thought-provoking movie, May December will stick with you long after the credits have rolled. Fans of character-driven dramas and movies that delve into the subtleties of interpersonal interactions must watch it.

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